
(a) The oral side of colon is covered with the PGA sheet outside of the abdominal space. (b) The PGA sheet is sandwiched between the oral side of the colon and the anal side of the rectum in anastomosis. (c) The schema of anastomosis in the PGA group.(a) The measurement of RIP was performed using HANDY MANOMETER PG-100 102GP. (b) The schema of the measurement of RIP. A sensor in the rectum was used for pressure measurement. The colon was clumped on the oral side of the anastomosis.intracorporeal findings 1 week after the first oper-ation, and anastomoses were resected and assessed histologically with hematoxylin and eosin stain. Anastomotic factors were clinically and histologi-cally assessed.Statistical analysisComparison between the RIP of the PGA group and the nonPGA group was performed using Mann–Whitney U test. This analysis was performed using the JMP software (version 12.0, SAS Insti-tute). All calculated p values were two-sided and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Approach A: Measurement of RIPThere were five pigs in the PGA group and four in the nonPGA group. The mean RIP was 9.28 kPa 475Figure 1 Colorectal anastomosis in the PGA group (Approach A)Figure 2 The schema of the measurement of RIPResults

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