
(Self-reported)1(1.4%)2(2.6%)2(3.1%)3(3.7%)1(2.9%)1(4.0%)1(1.4%)2(4.8%)8(15.9%)‡2(4.7%)2(7.7%)3(5.2%)4(8.9%)9(15.5%)4(8.2%)6(25.0%)†134during this period had lower IRT scores. It was particularly noted that the IRT scores of many students realizing that they were among the bottom quartile were poor. Specifically, 22 (25.3%) of the without and 13 (15.9%) of the with COVID-19 group had poor CBT scores (Table 3). 3. The time of starting preparation for CBTOn comparing the time of starting preparation for CBT, the IRT scores of students who had started their preparation from 6 months in advance were SexMaleFemaleScience electives for university entrance examinationsPhysics GroupBiology Group‡P<0.01Grades in the third year1~25%25~50%50~75%75~100%‡P<0.01Time of starting preparationMore than 6 months in advance5 months in advance4 months in advance3 months in advance2 months in advance1 month in advance†P<0.05, ‡P<0.01Table 2 Differences related to sex and science electivesTable 3 Performance in the third year (Self-reported)Table 4 Time of starting preparation for CBTWithout COVID-19No. of students IRT score18178495.2±91.4497.0±72.016594484.7±85.0‡515.1±84.3Without COVID-19No. of studentsIRT score26658187629.7±85.9‡527.2±62.2‡493.2±60.6‡434.5±60.9Without COVID-19No. of studentsIRT score25534.2±94.25845584924512.5±77.2489.4±74.4488.1±98.5494.4±82.8448.1±69.3No. of Poor CBT scores22 (12.2%)5 (6.4%)21 (12.3%)6 (6.4%)No. of Poor CBT scores22(25.3%)‡No. of Poor CBT scoreshigher, and the score decreased with a 1-month delay in starting. Among students who had started it 3 months in advance, the rate of having a poor CBT score was higher in both the without and with COVID-19 groups, 15.5 and 15.9%, respectively, and the difference was significant in the latter (p<0.01).In the without COVID-19 group, 25% of all students who had started preparing for CBT 1 month in advance had poor CBT scores (p=0.0142) (Table 4). Combining the students’ performance in their third year and the time they had started preparing With COVID-19No. of studentsIRT score18784529.9±79.8544.5±82.5171100532.9±92.1536.9±73.7 With COVID-19No. of studentsIRT score40717882616.5±56.0‡572.4±62.3‡530.7±58.6‡464.9±64.3With COVID-19No. of studentsIRT score35575.9±80.67042554326559.1±67.3548.7±84.2501.9±85.9504.7±68.2506.5±68.4No. of Poor CBT scores9 (4.8%)7 (8.3%)8 (4.7%)8 (8.0%)No. of PoorCBT scores0013(15.9%)‡No. of PoorCBT scores

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