
topic outside of work to ensure a good balance between work and private life. Individuals exposed to disasters often read and watch more media coverage of the event than others.9) This is prob-ably an attempt to better understand the events they have been affected by but it can be detri-mental to mental health to overexpose oneself to such negative information. A Chinese study of the COVID-19 pandemic found that more exposure to COVID-19 social media coverage was associated with more adverse effects, anxiety, and depression among adults.10) To create a clear distinction between work and private life, healthcare workers should avoid COVID-19 news at home and immerse them-selves instead in enjoyable activities and hobbies.Improvements in communicationSince opportunities It is important to provide all staff with quality communication and accurate information updates. Explanations should be clear, honest, and frank, and every effort should be made to implement procedures that help everyone to work safely and comfortably. It also provides staff with opportuni-ties to discuss their experiences, provide mutual support, and increase social cohesion.11) Smooth communication should be optimized not only between senior and junior staff but also between colleagues.Employees who live alone may feel emotionally isolated and it is important to encourage these workers to maintain regular connections with family and friends. In a cross-sectional study in China, medical staff living alone during the COVID-19 pandemic reported significantly higher depressive symptoms than those living with others.12) A study of Japanese medical institutions for communication are reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to communicate consciously. If stress accumulates and there is no opportunity to discuss work worries and complaints, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy mentality. During this difficult time, there may be insufficient guidance available from work superiors, for example for residents from senior doctors. It is advisable to try to create opportunities for regular communication between higher and lower-ranking members of staff, including new employees. This will also provide opportunities to communicate vital information about matters such as infection control.also found that the depressive symptoms of health-care workers tended to decrease as the number of cohabitants increased.13) For this reason, daily communication with others is important to the prevention of depression.At Juntendo University Hospital, we have secured adequate supplies of vital COVID-19 medical items such as PPE. It is important to stockpile supplies for potential emergency situations in advance and we must not spare money to protect our staff. Staff care issues should not be underestimated, and it is desirable to take prompt action when problems occur. Staff care issues include salary, working hours, vacations, and breaks. Under busy circum-stances and in crisis situations such as COVID-19, it is desirable to avoid salary cuts. In addition, since the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to be an issue in healthcare for some time, it is important to reduce overtime as much as possible and create a workplace atmosphere that encourages all employees to take vacations.The health management office of Juntendo University Hospital has provided counseling and mental health support for healthcare workers in high-stress departments. Employees who develop depression often lack the motivation or drive to seek the help they need on their own. When staff develop mental health issues and take a leave of absence, it can take time to recover, so it is in the interests of the organization as well as its employees for the employer to take the initiative in preventing depression. The mental health department of Juntendo University Hospital has enhanced the available support system in response to the pandemic to ensure it can always respond to staff issues related to COVID-19. Psychiatric consulta-tion is recommended because it is often necessary to prescribe psychotropic drugs for employees who have marked insomnia and apparent deterioration in daytime performance, or are suffering from depressed mood or anxiety.The results of the 2021 mental health check This observational cohort study was conducted in June 2021 as part of a mandatory health check of 27Support for healthcare workers at Juntendo University Hospitalat our hospital

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