
visit back to the clinic after surgery. Surgeons should be aware that patient satisfaction changes depending on duration after surgery and environ-mental factors. In the author’s experience, some patients are very happy and satisfied with the appearance even though they become acceptable and satisfied with the passing of time. However, proof was required that the results of our incisional technique were considered satisfactory by the patient at 6 months after surgery. The results of Figure 8 The locations of eight major ethnic groups in Myanmar. The geographic locations of eight major ethnic groups are shown in the map. The different traditional costume and facial contour of each ethnic group are shown.this study may help other surgeons to understand more about patient satisfaction, which improves over time and is the most important outcome measure after double eyelid surgery. Although Myanmar is a country where 135 ethnic groups exit, there are eight major ethnic groups named Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, Mon, Bamar, Rakhine and Shan19). The locations of eight major ethnic groups with their different traditional costume and facial contour are shown (Figure 8). 459

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