
Figure 5 The change of the MRD1 preoperatively and 5 months postoperatively (a) A 32-year-old woman before the operation. (b) The MRD1 is 3.69 mm preoperatively. (c) At follow-up 5 months after the operation. (d) The MRD1 is 4.37 mm postoperatively.Figure 6 Satisfactory outcomes after incisional double eyelid surgery. Patients’ satisfactory outcomes increased with the passage of time. Among a total number of 304 patients, 149 patients were very satisfied with the result in the 1st month, 197 patients in the 2nd month, 218 patients in 3rd months and 259 patients in 6th months of surgery.ethnic people desired for a small lid fold whereas Bamar and other ethnic people desired a large lid fold. The detail different preference of desired lid fold with very satisfied outcomes by the end of 6 months among the different ethnic groups were shown (Figure 7). There were no complaints, with the exception of 1 patient who requested repeat surgery to create a larger and wider lid fold and 1 patient with disap-pearance of fold. Complications occurred in 2 patients who experienced delayed wound healing and 1 patient developed an infection after 2 months and 1 month of surgery, respectively. The eyes are recognized as a prominent and important facial esthetic characteristic that defines one’s overall appearance and facial attractiveness. Structural differences in the eyelids as a result of ethnicity have been described in the literature. Asian eyes are characterized by a single eyelid with puffiness of the upper eyelid, the presence of medial epicanthal folds, laxity of the supratarsal skin and a vertically narrowed palpebral fissure17, 27). In contrast, Caucasian are characterized by a double eyelid crease and wider palpebral fissures. Because 457Discussion

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