
chi-squared test. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Patients’ demographics and post-operative measures including esthetical outcome, MRD1 and satisfactory outcomes were shown (Table 1). In terms of esthetic outcomes, all patients had an obvious crease without multiple folds, no disappear-ance of the fold and a bilateral symmetric eyelid except 1 patient presented with disappearance of fold by 1 month postoperatively, 6 patients presented with bilateral asymmetrical lid folds by 2 months postoperatively. The patients who presented with disappearance of fold and bilateral asymmetrical lid folds were performed for revisional surgery by the end of 6 months. In terms of functional outcomes, the MRD1 was measured and calculated only for the 60 patients who attended a follow-up visit in the clinic after 1 month of surgery. Among them (n=60; 7 men, 53 Figure 3 Measurement of symmetric lid folds by adjusting the direction of eyelash lines (a) Preoperative appearance of eyelash direction of right side of the eyelid. The direction of eyelash is inverting approximately 80° upwards below the line. (b) Intermediate postoperative appearance of eyelash direction of right side of the eyelid. The direction of eyelash is inverting approximately 100° upwards above the line. (c) Preoperative appearance of eyelash direction on both side of the eyelids. The direction of eyelash is inverting below the line on both sides. (d) Intermediate postoperative appearance of eyelash direction on both side of the eyelids. The direction of the eyelash is inverting above the line on both sides.women), the mean preoperative MRD1 was 3.34 ± 0.66 mm and the mean postoperative MRD1 was 4.40 ± 0.77 mm, indicating an increase of 1.05 ± 0.57 mm significantly (p<0.0001). A representative case was shown (Figure 5). Patient satisfaction was evaluated after postoper-ative months 1, 2, 3, and 6 in all patients. Patients’ satisfaction changed with the passage of time. After 1 month, 149 patients (49 %) were very satisfied with the result, 197 patients (65 %) were very satisfied with the result at 2 month, 218 patients (72 %) were very satisfied with the result at 3 month and 259 patients (85 %) at 6 months. Two patients out of 304 patients (0.66 %) were not satis-fied with the result by the end of 6 months (Figure 6). It was found that the differences in preference between small and large lid fold size among the ethnic groups were significantly different by the end of 6 months (Table 2). Among the different ethnic groups in Myanmar, most Kachin and Shan 455Results

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