
Juntendo Koshigaya Hospital, and I had been in charge of her since she first visited the out-patient department. Her clinical diagnosis was Alzheimer’s disease with delusion. At age 76, she started Figure 2 Brain CT, 59-year-old womanFigure 3 depositons of prion protein, cerebellum, immune-stain, x400Figure 5 Lewy bodies, substantia nigra(left) and cerebral cortex(right), H-E stain, x400complaining her memory loss. At age 77, she sought help from her neighbor saying that a man was in her kitchen, and she visited the department of psychiatry of Juntendo Koshigaya Hospital. She had memory disturbance, disorientation, persecu-tion complex, and muscle rigidity in her upper limbs. A cranial computed tomography scan showed cerebral atrophy that was slightly predom-inant in the frontal lobe (Figure 4). Considering her medical history, in these day dementia with Lewy bodies would be placed first on the list of possible differential diagnosis, but at that time the clinical diagnosis was Alzheimer’s disease associ-ated with delusion and hallucinations. The patient died with pneumonia at the age of 78, and an autopsy was performed. Her brain weight was 990g. Dementia with Lewy bodies was diagnosed on the basis of the neuropathological findings (Figure 5). I received direct guidance on the patho-logical findings from Dr. Kosaka, this case was Figure 4 Brain CT, 77-year-old woman443

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