
bitter memory for me, as at that time, I constantly felt as if I were skating on thin ice.After such difficulties, I could welcome Professor Takeshi Omae from the University of Florida owing to the efforts of Professor Eiichi Inada. Since then, the number of full-time anesthesiologists has gradually increased. Now, our department is being transformed into a better one that can promote not only clinical practice but also research and educa-tion in anesthesia.I have presided over the anesthesiology depart-ment of this hospital, always believing that there can be no hospital with a strong surgical system without strenuous efforts of anesthesiologists. However, I was constantly about to be over-whelmed by too busy works in the operating room. Unfortunately, the working environment might be unattractive for many doctors in the anesthesiology department, and regrettably, the department stood on the verge of collapse several years ago.However, I deeply thank the medical staff, including many doctors, for helping me to over-come many difficulties and for enabling me to work continuously as an anesthesiologist at Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital until my retirement age.Finally, I would like to express my deep grati-tude to CEO Hideoki Ogawa for his patience.Conflicts of Interest: The author declares that there are no conflicts of interest.431

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