
416our department (Figure 7). This magazine is published to enable high school students to learn about university research with Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research as a new way of choosing a university course. Several research topics were published in a press release (Figure 8). The number of clinical income has recently increased by about 50% as compared to when I took office (Figure 9). In 2005, we set up a medical institutions and collaboration meeting and engaged in public relations efforts once every year. In addi-Figure 5 Top 10 articles in terms of the impact factor with my name as an author: total, 140Figure 4 Impact factor of journals in which articles published: total, 344tion, the seminar of the Ochanomizu Otolaryn-gology/Head and Neck Treatment Study Group was established in 2005, and as of the end of March 2021, it has been mentioned 182 times. We created a home page in our department to disperse information about our activities in 2005. Currently, we communicate information through the SNS website (Figure 10). Furthermore, in 2006, we decided to publish the Alumni Association maga-zine, which has, however, only been published irreg-ularly until now, on a regular basis every year. So Figure 6 Top 10 articles in terms of impact factor with my name as the first author: total, 94

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