
Akira MURAKAMI4), Takeshi TANIGAWA1)Shiho KUNIMATSU-SANUKI2), Kazuaki TETSUMOTO3), Yoshimune HIRATSUKA4), 3)Tetsumoto Eye Clinic, Kobe, Japan5)Keio University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan2)Nishikasai Inoue Eye Hospital, Tokyo, Japan1)Department of Public Health, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan4)Department of Ophthalmology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanSaki FUKUMOTO1, 5), Hiroo WADA1), Kiyohide TOMOOKA1), Setsuko SATO1),Corresponding author: Takeshi Tanigawa Department of Public Health, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan.TEL: +81-3-5802-1048 FAX: +81-3-3814-0305 E-mail: tataniga@juntendo.ac.jp〔Received Mar. 9, 2021〕〔Accepted May 10, 2021〕J-STAGE Advance published date: Aug. 24, 2021Copyright © 2021 The Juntendo Medical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original source is properly credited. doi: 10.14789/jmj.JMJ21-R03 This review addresses the prevalence of glaucoma in Japan, where it affects around 5% for those aged 40 years and over, a large proportion of whom are not aware of their disorder and thus remain untreated. Glaucoma is one of the known causes of “health-related traffic accidents,” and it is important to screen drivers with possible glaucoma who are not aware of their visual field abnormalities. We propose that CLOCK CHART® be employed as a tool that even non-ophthalmologists could use to screen the visual fields of drivers, leading to possible diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. This will promote safe driving.324Juntendo Medical Journal2021. 67(4), 324-328Key words: public health, glaucoma, accidents, traffic, prevention & control, sleep apnea syndromesReviewIntroductionRecently, it has been shown that traffic accidents are in part caused by health issues. We have advo-cated a concept of “health-related traffic accidents,” which are defined as traffic accidents associated with some disorders such as glaucoma, neurological disorders, cardiovascular disorders, hypoglycemia, hearing loss, adverse effects linked to treatment, sleepiness linked to allergic disorders and sleep-re-lated breathing disorders (SRBD) and so on1, 2) (Table 1).We, herein, describe health-related traffic acci-dents by focusing on glaucoma, and furthermore, we propose screening using CLOCK CHART®, which is a handy and reliable visual field screening tool that general physicians can apply for non-oph-thalmologic patients.Glaucoma is a disease characterized by the loss of retinal ganglion cells, which leads to visual field defects and blindness3), and a leading cause of visual impairment in Japan4). Diagnosis is based on examination of the optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer by ophthalmoscopy or by imaging technique3). Visual field testing and intraocular pressure measurement are also necessary for diag-nosis. Treatment options for open-angle glaucoma include pharmaceutical therapy, laser therapy, and surgery which aim to lower intraocular pressure3).Reportedly, an estimated number of 4.6 million Glaucoma and Health-Related Traffic Accidents:Evidence and Preventive MeasuresGlaucoma and traffic accidents

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